zum ProNaWi Praxis-Test

Current Debate

current debatE

  • 13. April 2021 / Alexandra Fiedler-Lehmann / consumption, Sustainability, symbols
    Terrestrial GlobE as Best Symbol of Sustainability

    Our Sustainability Survey confirms that sustainably made products are allowed to be more expensive. “Organic” and “regional” are the most effective purchase drivers in this target group.

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  • 2. April 2021 / Alexandra Fiedler-Lehmann
    Less Biodiversität Increases Danger of Zoonoses

    In its official report on the origins of SARS-CoV-2 the WHO highlighted the life-threatening risk of natural ecosystem destruction that is destroying the buffer, scientists say that they protect us from viruses transmitted by wild animals.

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  • 24. March 2021 / Alexandra Fiedler-Lehmann / CO2 tax, CO2 toll
    Toll should raise prices of climate-damaging products

    The advisory board of the German Ministry of Economy suggests the implementation of a Nationsclub. It´s goal: joint steps against climate Change

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  • 16. March 2021 / Alexandra Fiedler-Lehmann / Greenwashing, Labels, Trade
    Greenwashing-Check: How much truth bears the green promise?

    VKI, an Austrian Consumer Protection Association, is verifying the Green Claims of Enterprises, Labels and Products.

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  • 25. February 2021 / Alexandra Fiedler-Lehmann / Brands, Commerce, Greenwashing
    Broccoli from Ecuador annoys consumers

    The Association for Consumer Information has once again put the “most annoying food products of the year” to the vote. The “Consumer Duck” 2020 goes to the German food company Iglo.

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