zum ProNaWi Praxis-Test

Current Debate

current debatE

  • 26. February 2020 / Alexandra Fiedler-Lehmann / Seal of quality
    Not every seal also indicates goodness

    Debate items are presented in their original language here, you may use DeepL or your preferred translation tool to get the text in your tongue. Der Rechnungshof hat sich die vielen Gütesiegel, die auf Lebensmittel gepickt werden, kritisch angeschaut.

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  • 25. February 2020 / wp-admin / Proof of origin
    sustainable building materials

    Debate items are presented in their original language here, you may use DeepL or your preferred translation tool to get the text in your tongue. Wienerberger spürt durch Klimakrise Rückenwind und drängt auf Herkunftsnachweis bei Baustoffen >> Der Standard vom 25.02.2019

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  • 31. January 2020 / Alexandra Fiedler-Lehmann / Ecosocial forum, Organic seal, Seal of quality, Sustainability
    Good or just well-intentioned?

    Debate items are presented in their original language here, you may use DeepL or your preferred translation tool to get the text in your tongue. Der Label-Dschungel auf unseren Lebensmitteln wird oft kritisiert.

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  • 14. January 2020 / Alexandra Fiedler-Lehmann / Climate, Product labeling; CO2 labeling
    “Climate labeling makes sense”

    Debate items are presented in their original language here, you may use DeepL or your preferred translation tool to get the text in your tongue. Einzelne Unternehmen kennzeichnen die CO2-Bilanz ihrer Produkte. Wichtig sind verpflichtende Standards, sagt die Lebensmittelexpertin Britta Schautz. >> Ein Interview der taz mit der Lebensmittelexpertin der Verbraucherzentrale Berlin

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  • 9. January 2020 / Alexandra Fiedler-Lehmann / Climate, Product labeling; CO2 labeling
    Qorn – the first major brand to introduce Co2 labeling

    Carbon footprint data will help customers understand environmental impact of food >> The Guardian vom 09.01.2020 (Englisch)

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